Personal Project
2020 -
Social Design
A visual experiment that presents a mental journey as a reaction to uncertain times (during Covid-19)
The last enduring period brought up many thoughts and feelings. Personally, I have found myself in loops, going back and forth between spheres of uncertainty or depression into confident and cheerful ones. Sometimes I was also numb. The project presents fears, hopes, intentions, and vulnerability of this period through inputs from different individuals around the world. Each person, answered 1/2 of a simple question: "Which feeling describes you best lately?" / "Which thought accompanies you the most lately?" is presented in a poster; The answers are combined with the “emotion” sphere, which is divided into three kinds: the concerned phase, the admission phase, and the personal growth one. Reviewing the series of posters may cheer us up, raise awareness of the normality of the “emotional roller-coaster” and the circularity we might experience, help to feel somewhat connected to others, and express visually and verbally our common mental and emotional state in this epidemic.
The posters were featured in DAC ("Designers Against Corona Virus") project, by Carosello Lab; A digital and printed archive of creative expression of the pandemic, which fundraises and supports the Italian Red Cross.
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